Tuesday 22 March 2016

power point

on my first slide, I have created a title for my theme  

the second slide I wrote what did I create and why and answered in small detail so I can talk freely 

I have written my research in simple bullet points 

in this slide, i have created a double blade slide where it is one slide but seems like 2 I have put my inspirations on this course  this is the fist part of the slide
it also shows my inspiration for my final piece 

this is the second side of the slide where it showed I have studied manga and monochrome 
in this slide I have written my idea 

I have put my productions and what I changed 

I wrote how it went 

and final i asked for my peer feed back too see what i could change 
Teacher  feed back : Faye said that my presentation was very good, very clear. nothing bad about the presentation she said but i thnink I could of said a lot more on my final piece.

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